Wednesday 18 May 2016

Overnight rain was not significant and although heavy showers are reported it looks unlikely to affect the river in any way at the moment.  No reason why catches cannot continue especially on the lower beats.

Two from Caemawr 12 and 13lb to Spencer John on a Silver Shrimp fly.
3 fish from Ingeston to regulars Mike Pritchard and Saul Roberts
25lbs to Mike and 11 and 12 pounds to saul. Spinning.
Two more for Nathan Jubb at upper Bigswier 14lbs from Hudson and 10lbs from the Cockpit on a cascade.
2 from Wyesham 10.5 to John Haywood on FLY and 9lbs  Richard Godsall on F/C.

Still no invitation to tomorrows WUF celebrations in Hay.  Will I be paying £48 to hear the same as the last twenty years of self congratulations err NO.  Like to be a fly on the wall however as the great and the good gather for this memorable event. Rest assured though if all goes as expected I shall be raising a glass myself for my own celebration -if you see what I mean, and I won't be alone by any means.
The whole place is buzzing with anticipation , almost matching the Leicester City football celebrations so I'm told!!!.. Hope I can find someone who actually goes to hear how it all went.  If anyone does go any comments would be appreciated for those of us who don't.

Another quote from Wufs deputy boss, Simon in relation to a discussion as to why other river, notably the Hampshire Avon and severn had received much improved spring catches the last couple of years with  none of the major work or spend on the Wye he replied.;

"The difference is that on the Wye, the smile has been gently widening for a decade as the river improvements have been completed. For the Severn and Avon it is a sudden change in the past 2 years after a decade of declining catches. When they were declining the Wye was improving so it can't be explained by marine survival."

See what I mean. So increases can't be ascribed to better sea survival though for many years low sea survival has been used as the excuse for low catches, such as 2009 2010 and 2014.  I guess he wasn't smiling then. You couldn't do a sit com with these guys in it. Please Lord lets have a regime change soon>>>starting tomorrow?

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