Thursday 5 May 2016

12lb fish to Roger Rayner at Biswier Llandogo run yesterday  . Four the day before and they are now on 20 with conditions becoming ideal there.
There was yet another yesterday evening for Stan Turner at Aramstone  15lb from the Pulpit on a F/c
8lbs fish from Wyesham to Tim Risdale on FLY.

Massive salmon seen at upper Bigswier today.  See the picture below taken at one of the croys on upper Bigsiew.  the fish was covered in fungal/UDN/furunculosis patches or some sort.  It did not appear in distress but was clearly not happy and was seen swimming in several places before disappearing. A couple of people saw it and described it as a truly massive fish , much bigger than anything they had ever seen.It appeared to be a very silver  fresh silver. The end of the croy below the fish measures 6'6" and an architect has scaled the fish taking this as a comparison and arrived at a figure of 50".

There have been a couple of reports of big fish lost after extended play and perhaps this was a new arrival on the scene or perhaps it was dropping back

Simon, the new kid on the block Wye historian, has been reading the history books again.  However they can often tell only half the truth.  He said:

"The Wye has always been a less productive river than some others, even when the rod catch was 5,000, divided by the 150 miles that was fished for salmon (including the lower Irfon) it is only 33 fish/mile/year and the beats away from the honey holes were single digit p/a fisheries. 

For numbers fisherman have gone to Findhorn, Oykel, Naver or Tweed etc. What the Wye always had and still has is quality, and good spring/early summer fishing without having to drive/fly a long way."
Below is  a picture of a Wye one day catch, total for the beat that day was 25.  Was it recorded in the record books, perhaps not. Not a flying C in sight of course. A big proportion of Wye fish never made it as far as any catch returns in those days .  None of em hanging in tree's either Simon, I,m sure you know what I mean!!

Apologies for the side on picture, don't crick your neck

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