Friday 29 April 2016

Heavy showers yesterday put a few inches on the upper river but nothing to spoil conditions or improve those on the upper river. Another cold blustery day apparently.

Late report of a fish from Courtfield   6lb to Paul Rouse on fly. Wednesday.
Upper Bigswier  8lb. tail of Cadora pool.F/C
Wyesham   Alec Nichol 12lb from the Pipes F/C
Ingeston.  17lb fish for John Kenyon

Nathan Jubbs fish from Upper Bigsweir.

Dennis Corcoran reports from Courtfield
"Decided to try a size 12 fly yesterday  and was thinking its probably too small I will change to a bigger one when the line came racing toward me following a violent take.It went upriver to the island,carried on under the trees on the far bank to the lip of the pool above the island with me keeping the rod tip in the water to keep the line from snagging in the trees which dip in the water and then slowly backed down to the bottom of the island and sat there for 41 minutes [in the pool/pot} occasionally shaking its head and refusing to move.Then it took off downriver without the fly.
I was knackered ,my right arm ached from pulling it.I saw it twice and guess it was well over 30 lbs and a bar of silver.
Wonderfully exciting.

Picture of Dave Roberts from the Carrots yesterday. His No10 for the season.

In response to Simon on another forum.  Pleased you look on our site and NO, I never take anything you say seriously!!!!

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