Wednesday 23 March 2016

Nothing reported today as of 6.15pm.but plenty of time yet.
 Looks like you might need to make the best of Thursday and Friday with some wet/windy weather expected during the Easter weekend.  Upper river will be quite grateful as fish are certainly thin on the ground in that area and with little prospect of new arrivals until we get a spate.

LATEST.   18 lb fish reported from Colemans Pool, Wyesham to Richard Godsall.  On - a flying C.

Andrew Hepworth-Smith also reports a fine springer taken on fly today on a middle Wye beat.  The fish was 40" long with a 19" girth which for my money makes it between 22/25lbs

Ross James also reports a fish caught late this evening at Wyebank. A super 37" fish estimated at 20lbs caught on a Snaelda conehead. Another fish lost and a couple of others seen. Photograph to follow.

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