Thursday 21 January 2016

Some interesting information below from Peter Gough regarding the forthcoming 'consultation' on further measures for Welsh fisheries.

Well we all know how the other sham consulations turned out -can't personall see why this should be any different.  A forked tongue is not easy to repair I understand.

"It’s important to note that the engagement with LFGs and the follow-up questionnaire process were both part of the same initial liaison process.  We want to hear anglers (and others’) views following the message around salmon and sea trout stock status, and the clear requirement to reduce levels of exploitation on many rivers.

This is NOT part of a statutory consultation.

The questionnaire was circulated in mid-December and we anticipated that – given the level of interest and the passion that most anglers feel for this matter – that a deadline of the end of January would be sufficient.  There will be a lot of work to do thereafter as we consider options and advice received and construct a technical case for the required actions.

The liaison has been held across Wales with all LFGs (7 of them and 5 special meetings - some LFGs came together for the meetings in the autumn) and all members and larger mailing lists have received the questionnaire.

I can confirm that no decisions have been taken.  We are all – regulatory bodies, anglers and anglers representative groups – stakeholders in our fisheries resource and everyone who wants to is invited to contribute to the discussions.

We have engaged regularly with anglers and LFGs over the past 4 or 5 years on the subject of salmon stocks, and some sea trout stocks, and the actions that must be taken to protect them.  This has led to great advances in catch-and-release fishing, which indicates that the message is clear to anglers and that they have responded to the imperative to protect our spawning stocks.  I don’t, therefore, agree that this process is being rushed.

There will also be the primary opportunity to respond to a future statutory consultation on measures that will be proposed.  Please note that although this may well include statutory C&R (that decision is not taken – I stress), it might also include measures around fishing methods and possibly fishing seasons as well.  We are also considering net fishing alongside rod fishing.

In conclusion, we wish the deadline to be maintained so that we can embark on the next round of work.  It seems that we will have a good number of responses, and that this may well indicate a consistency of advice and preferences.  Having said that I am sure that we will consider all late responses – up to perhaps a fortnight into February."

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