Saturday 9 January 2016

Looks like the new Canadian Government might look more kindly on the plight of B Cs salmon populations under threat from salmon farms.   Alexandra Morton's effort deserve to pay off.

As for here Scottish Government continues to ignore all the evidence relating to damage caused by these salmon farms.  By the way I hope no one buys it.  Some I was asked to sample over Christmas was in my opinion uneatable.  Should have squeezed all the fat and oil out and used it to fuel an oil burning lamp.
On January 6, 2015 I co-published a scientific paper on ISA virus!

You may remember we released preliminary results on this study back in 2011. Controversy and backlash flared immediately. The Cohen Commission reopened for three days of ISA hearings, and there we learned DFO had already detected the ISA virus in BC, but never made those results public.
Swiftly we learned ISA virus is not only dangerous to salmon, it is dangerous to scientists. We hunkered down for the long haul and tested over 1000 fish. We are alone among academics in daring to pursue this research. 
That was during the Harper era.
Today, the BC Salmon Farmers have come out swinging once again, questioning our "ethics"...  Sigh...

Will the nastiness ever end?

However, we have a new government and I am hopeful we will be given the opportunity to brief the new government at the highest levels on our findings and what we require to complete this work. 

We deserve at least this and I am very optimistic.  Our new Liberal Government clearly respects science, First Nations and our environment.
 Thank you to so many of you for you help and encouragement
Alexandra Morton

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