Saturday 31 October 2015

I suspect the below picture will provoke several reactions.  From older Wye anglers a feeling of nostalgia for the way things were.  For many newcomers, the catch and release brigade and the politically correct amongst you then something rather different I suspect.

Probably Gardeners shop in Hereford whilst similar scenes were sometimes seen in Hattons fishing tackle shop as angler brought in their catches.  These were no doubt local fish mostly from around Hereford itself - after all the local club water once recorded over 700 fish for the season.
It gives some indication just hows prolific the Wye once was and why as you can see it was famous
for its big fish.   Remember too this was in the days of estuary nets, putchers and huge poaching efforts by gangs on the lower river., plus huge under reporting by anglers on many beats.

So remember guys when you hold up a fish or two, marvel at a couple of missed 'takes', see a few fish show, well some of us are not impressed.  Don't tell us how good it is because, as you can see it's nothing like it was -probably never will be.  Don't tell us we exaggerate -remember some of us where there!!

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