Tuesday 6 October 2015

Brief but very heavy rain has had a little effect and provoked a small rise but apart from some showers overnight the threat of any real rain is receding for a while at least.  Maybe the autumn redd bashers won't be able to operate this year  for a change and save a few more fish.

Two from Cadora Backs 9 and 16lbs Coloured-what else!
7lbs from Wyesham and a 10lb fish yesterday.
Also yesterday 19 1/2lb fish from Cadora backs again to Michael Williams.

Now and then you come across an amusing clip.
I saw this below from the latest WUF newsletter. There is also a 'grab and grin' photo, or an airshot as they also call it, which is supposedly forbidden.

"There is a legend from days of old that river keepers who wanted to keep salmon in their own water would look around the neighbourhood for two or three dead dogs to string on a rope across the top of the beat. Unlikely as it sounds, salmon would apparently be reluctant to pass the corpses wavering in the current, which they took for otters. Well, it is true it is a story..."

I wonder how often you could wander the neighbourhood and find the corpses of two or three dead dogs?"  Has anyone ever?

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