Tuesday 1 September 2015

River dropping and clearing but still some colour Glasbury/Hay area.  Should be good conditions the next few days.

No fish reported so far today.
A possible 18lbs 'fresh' fish from Upper Bigswier yesterday.

|See below.  Please take a few minutes to complete the survey and have your say.

From: rachel-evans@countryside-alliance.org
To: rachel-evans@countryside-alliance.org
Subject: Assembly to review how petitions are handled - you MUST have your say!
Date: Tue, 1 Sep 2015 12:31:11 +0000

More on the access issue to follow this week but can I just draw your attention to the survey on how the Assembly will handle petitions in the future?

I have stated in my reply that I think a minimum number of ten signatures isn’t enough and suggested 100 signatures and then 25 further on in the survey for charities / community groups. As for the question on whether or not only people residing in Wales should sign the petitions I will leave up to you! However, it did remind me that the previous paddling petition had signatures from all over the world marked against it in the final figure and demonstrated the “demand” for more / open access.

Throw this as far and wide as you can please – it is vital for us to make sure we have a voice and that we can raise concerns via petitions. It takes less than ten minutes to complete and is very straight forward.

Thank you!
Best wishes

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