Wednesday 30 September 2015

Bigswier now on 272 fish for the season. Just over one a day mostly two sea winter fish.
10lb fish from Goodrich yesterday for Reg Lawton
Two for the gillies from Wyesham 5 and 18.
7lb fish for Dave palmer from handcocks stream Golden Mile on a willie Gunn.

See below the latest attached Newsletter from WUF.   UNBELIEVABLE.  Many of us have already objected to the WAG proposols for increased access.  The consultation has been open since July and this is the first mention of it by WUF with just a couple of days of the consultation left.
It may well be that WAG approve of WUF arrangements but the problem is most anglers do not.  I see they admit that angling below Glasbury to Hay is nigh on impossible during the summer and yet STILL despite knowing full well that there is NO agreement continue to suggest there is on their website VAAs may well be the choice of WAG and canoeists but they are not those of most anglers. They are impossible to police or control and are basically a free for all. Not to mention canoeing the upper river during autumn spawning. No one takes any notice of the restrictions such as the so called time restriction on the Glasbury section or the height restriction on the upper rive..

WUF like to be in favour  by WAG ever since the initial so called VAA with June Davidson WAG Minister, as this is where much of their money is likely to come from in future as seek to extend their influence throughout Wales.  They are opportunists of the worst king and worked with WAG to bring down the SNR scheme and are still busying themselves with other WAG schemes right now.

The threat of legislation may well be there but many are well organised to fight it. It is not inevitable though WUF would like you to think it is.. Goon on the guys on the middle Usk who have repeled all attempts to circumvent an agreement despite WUF receiving thousands from WAG Splash funding, though god knows how and where it was spent.

If you have time object in the strongest possible terms to the WAG proposal on increased access otherwise you sign your own death warrant.  About time in my opinion this disgraceful WUF organisation moved on and get someone qualified to do the job properly.


30th September 2015

You may already know that there is a Welsh Government (WG) consultation on access and outdoor recreation. If you haven't read the document (see link below) it refers favourably to our upper Usk and Wye Voluntary Access Agreements (VAAs) and suggests that this could be the way forward elsewhere in Wales. While it is almost impossible to please everyone, we suggest that voluntary access through VAAs is preferable to mandatory access through legislation.
Middle and lower Wye fishers and owners are already subject to open access downstream of Hay-on-Wye. There is also a heavy load, albeit time-restricted, on the Glasbury to Hay section where holiday traffic makes angling impossible at times. On most of Wales's largest rivers (Severn, Wye, Dee and Usk) there are opportunities for public access and in many cases, such opportunities have improved in recent years. However, there has been zero headway on the middle/lower Usk where despite protracted negotiations, no VAAs exist. The lack of recent progress here and on many other Welsh rivers has led to this consultation, which is another warning shot across our bows. Whether we agree with it or not, WG believes in greater public access to rivers and if this doesn't come in the form of VAAs, it is very likely to come in the form of legislation. It is not time to act?
We would also point out (middle/lower Usk especially) that while winter canoeing may bring concerns of disturbing fish, it's easy to forget that a section of river with canoeists is also not a happy place for would-be poachers or fish eating birds.
We ask that in the remaining couple of days you look at the consultation and respond to question 12 in particular. It is certain that WG will be hearing from the extreme viewpoints on both sides of the debate (as is always the case). It would be preferable that they heard more measured responses of the sensible majority. The consultation period ends this Friday.
Elsewhere, this Indian Summer is now the third dry September in a row and while it doesn't help the fishing, it's been good for treating Japanese Knotweed. This plant is best sprayed when the white flowers emerge and often a 100% kill can be achieved (larger stands will require a follow up in subsequent years). The important point is to limit new infestations. These can be caused simply by strimming the plant, pieces of which can take root further downstream.
So thank you to all those who have got in touch with us to help find all the different outcrops on both Wye and Usk. Our goal is to rid both catchments of this and Giant Hogweed and who knows, eventually make a dent in the Himalayan Balsam.
Over the red line on the Llanstephan gauge: These canoeists are taking advantage of ideal conditions for theiir sport while anglers wait for the spate to subside
Japanese Knotweed: Now is the ideal time for spraying
Our monthly fishing reports will be with you shortly. In the meantime, all the best from WUF.
Welsh Government Consultation - Improving opportunities to access the outdoors for responsible recreation.

Details of our Projects can be found here.
Click here for anglers' reports and here for monthly fishing reports.
For details of WUF's Consultations, Click here.
EA & NRW Emergency Hotline: 0800 80 70 60    Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water Emergency Sewage Line: 0800 085 3968
Rainfall at Llanstephan 2015 to date: 18" (2014: 54" 2013: 39", 2012: 47", 2011: 29")
Bookings and availability Tel: 01874 712 074
This email was sent by The Wye & Usk Foundation.
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