Friday 7 August 2015

                                    STOLEN FISHING TACKLE.

Nigel Smith had all his fishing tackle & camera equipment stolen from his car whilst fishing at Wyesham on Tuesday.
They broke into his car, badly damaging it and stole 4 Hardy salmon & Sea Trout rods plus a number of reels, both salmon & trout including Marquis and J Young along with flies etc.

If anyone has any information regarding the theft or suspects he sees any of the tackle being offered for sale please contact Nigel on 0190522358 or 07976695107.

Nothing much new to report though once again the upper river from Builth downstream was very dark and peaty, presumably the Irfon again which was the only section to rise a few inches following the patchy rain.  I don't care what anyone else says the Irfon is not as it used to be since the experiment by 'the management'.  One good idea can however can often create a problem and have an effect elsewhere and it seems to have done so in this case.

I see on another forum Mr Marsh Smith is telling us, as he did at the last annual meeting, that the Wye is producing more smolts than ever!!.  Well he would say that but as always there are no means of verifying this - or indeed anything else.
The problem with prevarication is that you say something without any evidence and expect someone to believe you, but without verification and control measures in place when something good does happen and you claim the credit but then have no means of showing its down to you.
This is WUFs problem - everything is a guestimate.   They are often loath to measure cause and effect, even if we knew about it,   in case it gives an answer they don't want. It's never peer reviewed as in the ISAC Ifron project.
He then goes on to slate the SNR experiment which he initially supported because it was properly monitored, by now suggesting it did not work. Well pulling the plug (excuse the pun) and just doing half a job on the upper Irfon forestry drains might not have had the effect it seems to be having now would it.
Just as this years improved catches are being mirrored on many other rivers in the UK the few extra fish on the WYE is of course entirely down to them.  His proof is - a guestimate as to how many smolt have been produced, which vary wildly from year to year anyway and which they have made no attempt whatsoever  to quantify.

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