Monday 10 August 2015

Nathan Jubb reorts another fish from Upper Bigswier. 4lb grilse on a 14 black Francis.

This from an angler below Hereford -just about sums up the plight of the middle Wye.

Very warm sunny day that seem to bring out every canoe on the Wye. We had a few parties of blokes coming down, obviously tanked up. These fine gentlemen totally disregarded our position on the river and just spread themselves right across the river. I saw 3 gents during the day, standing up in the boats, urinating, oblivious to any other persons. We all pay for the right to use this beautiful place only to be ruined by the few who don't care. I watched as one of these gents just emptied his litter into the river. Crisp bag and beers cans, once again, he was another one oblivious to my calls to stop. To be honest, I did note that the red boats were letting most of the idiots in them. Someone will get physically hurt soon if this does not get better control. Children and families will see what I saw today and I don't believe that is right. The Wye should be used, not abused. I love to canoe aswell, but these people should not be allowed. More control needed from these companies rather than just take any idiots money.

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