Wednesday 12 August 2015

                                                WYE FISHING MAPS.

A recent sale of a pair of framed  Wye salmon beat maps showed there was considerable demand for these and several anglers expressed interest.   If your interested in these beat maps, one of the Upper , the other of the Lower river they are actually still available from the Wye Preservation Trust. Available in plain or coloured form at £10 or £20 each respectively. ( they can easily be self coloured.

I you would like one or a pair of these maps contact Sandra Willetts, Secretary of the Wye Preservation trust @   There will of course be a postal charge.

Picture of the framed prints below;

                                               FISHING TACKLE INSURANCE

In view of a recent theft of a large amount of fishing tackle from an anglers car on the Wye a few days ago, and the limited cover given by household insurance to theft from a vehicle, you may be interested in insuring your tackle by another method

Even if the tackle is on display in an unattended car cover can be obtained from a company called Fishing Care in association with the Angling Trust.  Cover can be obtained for up to £15,000 pounds worth of tackle.  For example insurance cover of £5,500 can be obtained for around £140.00 per year.
This premium will be less if tackle can be stored out of sight in the boot in the boot.

If your interested contact Fishing care on 08000 923924.

With the cost of modern tackle value can soon mount up and it makes sense to get covered.

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