Saturday 9 May 2015

Sory to say but another rise on the upper river today and will put the weekend out for most beats this weekend.  Best keep your powder dry.
Sorry guys, I was a little premature. River dropped and cleared really quickly today and should be fine tomorrow above Moccas.

Good day at the Red Lion today on one of the WSA fishing days. 19 guys and a couple of ladies had breakfast and an excellent lunch lunch, fishing and instruction.  Sad to say though that no one on the whole stretch even saw a fish show. Still it was good to meet the people you often only text or speak to on the telephone.

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Atlantic Salmon Federation News
  Friday, May 8, 2015
ASF Rivernotes Focuses on the Miramichi
ASF Rivernotes finds that salmon that have overwintered in the Miramichi are in good condition as they prepare to return to sea. Read more

ASF Research Blog - Updates on the scope of the research program now being carried out in our salmon rivers.

Saving Our Salmon
Paul Smith provides perspective on salmon conservation after having listened in on the St. John's hearing of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Atlantic Salmon

Court Orders Safeguards to Prevent Salmon Farm Diseases
An important decision in Federal Court says salmon farms cannot transfer fish to pens if they have a disease. The ruling has implications on both coasts.

Salmon Poacher has Bad Day in Court
A salmon poacher in Newfoundland lost his truck and boat, and gained a $3,000 fine on being convicted. Read more:

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