Thursday 14 May 2015

Better day yesterday on the river, mix of 2sw fish and still the odd springer.  Today's dire forecast has not materialised yet though it has just started to rain here.  Must say it doesn't look much at the moment.

LATER.  Well rain did arrive and was persistent and heavy for a time. May result in another small rise which hopefully will keep fish running.
Decent number of fish around at the moment in the middle/upper river.

Couple more fish from yesterday.
 10lbs from Winforton to Colin Bradshaw
3 from Pwll -y faedda a couple of days ago. 18-12 and 9lbs.

14lbs fish from Spreadeagle to Stephen Braithwaite
18lbs from Rectory to Simon Evans
13lbs from Gromaine to John Hounslow
7lbs to Phillip Parkinson at the Nyth.
2 fish to Stuart Smith 8 and 10lbs. One from Whitney and on from Monks run Letton
All fly caught fish which is good to see.

Also a fish from Ingeston, Sir Henry Elwes 14 1/2lbs cone head Francis.
Two yesterday as well.. 14lbs to Sol Campbell and a first ever salmon of 13lbs to Brian Owen.
Two also from Cadora Backs.One to Maurice Hudson and one to David Bennett
14lb fish from Wyesham to John Stewart.
Another fish from the Carrots 7lbs to dave Roberts -spinning.

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