Friday 6 March 2015

Ist Fish of the season from Ingeston today.  Regular rod Mike Pritchard took a nice springer, sea liced  of 15lbs on a flying C.   Nothing else seen and no kelts whatsoever.
I see |WUF are claiming the fish at 21lbs.  Well I don't think so -I had the information from the horse's mouth so to speak!

Seems some WAG, one Dave Watkins, took issue on the Salmon Fishing  Forum with the picture I put up yesterday with a fish on the bank and the fact I used the word 'grassed' to describe a caught fish. Reckons I am promoting that fish should be removed from the water for weighing and photographing.  Maybe its no ideal in these days of ultra political correctness.  I don't personally believe it does little harm having done it plenty of time for myself and others  I suppose the words netted, beached or landed would also have been unacceptable. The steep  banks of the Wye in many areas sometimes make netting a fish unavoidable.  Wonder what he will do if he ever catches on.  Ridiculous!!

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