Tuesday 24 February 2015

See below for details of the new NRW/EA Partnership.;

Seems to me they will be doing most of the stuff they have been doing for the past 18 years but that's no reason not to do it all over again.  now asking for partners and volunteers etc. etc.  they could have done that 18 years ago instead of their strict isolation 'we know best' policy.  It very light too and much to do with the salmon fishing either but hey where there is funding there is interest.

Dear all, Anwyl pawb

I am pleased to announce that the bespoke partnership website has been launched and can be viewed here.

It is still a work in progress and the intention is for this to be a website for the partnership. NRW and WUF as host partners welcome your contributions to complete the site.

In particular I am looking for contributions to the ‘get involved’ and ‘projects’ sections and feedback on whether the content reflects the meetings and agreement we have reached. Also if you have anything for the newsfeed please let me know and I will post it. Also some appropriate photos that haven’t come from the WUF library would be useful.

The outputs of the meeting on the 29th Jan will be added to the relevant parts of the ‘opportunities’ and ‘funding’ sections later today.

Further to this we have the opportunity as a partnership to apply for up to £31k of funding (to be completed by the end of this week!) for projects that develop the partnership and deliver both its aims and the WFD. I am starting to work up three of the projects from the opportunities meeting (Tree management/ improved targeting of agri-environment schemes (on both sides of the border)/phosphate from poultry) and if you have any projects on the shelf ready to go that fit the above criteria please let me know ASAP.

Best wishes

Wye salmon fishery owners meeting late last week seemed to have be something on a non event.  Nothing new seems to have been decided.and the the old guard hang on in their fulfilling their duty to send all their membership fees to WUF with absolutely no idea or control of how its being spent.  Happy days!!

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