Friday 27 February 2015

Mr Mott once again gets the better of the EA and will apparently  be allowed it seems to continue w catching salmon from the mixed stocks of the Severn estuary in his putcher rank., including of course a majority of fish from the Wye..   What a crazy world.  With stocks so low and anglers regulated almost to nothing what a way to run a river system.
One has to ask however, in he view of Mr Goughs comments just how good were the EA's case if fundamental mis-conceptions and mis-understandings by the judge resulted in the judgement arrived at.?

See below.

Subject: URGENT - Severn Estuary Fishery - outcome of judicial review
Importance: High

As you know the EA’s regulation of catch in the mixed stock Severn Estuary fishery was the subject of a judicial review taken by the fisherman with the largest catch.

To our great surprise and dismay, the judge has found in favour of the applicant.  This judgement was handed-down at 1030 today.  There will be a media event, arranged by the applicant, imminently.

As and when you see the judgement you will note what are – in my opinion -  a multitude of fundamental mis-conceptions and mis-understandings.  These are the reason for what is likely to be an appeal against the judgement.

The implications for licencing and controls this summer are currently unclear, but we will do all that we can to ensure that the salmon feature is not placed at greater risk.

Peter Gough.

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