Sunday 4 January 2015

Many thanks to all those signing our petition.

Just got to the 400 mark and still going strong.  It shows the concern there is for our river all around the country and abroad and the need for further action.

 Gnashing of teeth in some quarters I suspect though.


2014 was a tough year, but we held ground. The Harper government wanted more salmon farms in British Columbia, but none were approved, that we know of. We held ground. However, there is a wave of applications bearing down on this coast, some of them from the new company using the BC coast to farm salmon - Mitsubishi.
2015 is going to be a defining year.  Below is a short video; my thoughts on the laws that are being rewritten to fit this industry and where we have to take this fight to bring reason to this issue - finally.
Thank you to everyone who has stayed on this list, informed me about diseased salmon, donated and encouraged me.  I realized last year that there is no going back to studying whales, the life I wanted to live, and that I will never give up. Wild salmon are far too important to the whales, this coast, people, our climate and our future. We cannot allow them to be destroyed, just because a few people want to take short cuts to wealth.
Here is a short video of where I think we are at:
Alexandra Morton, Gwayum'dzi


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