Tuesday 6 January 2015

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Atlantic Salmon Federation News
   Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2015
Rally and Press Conference on Thursday in Halifax to Support Aquaculture Reform Recommendations
If you live in the Halifax, Nova Scotia region, plan on attending a rally to support the Final Report of the Doelle-Lahey Independent Panel on Aquaculture Regulatory Reform. It is being held Thurs, Jan. 8, at NOON in the Lord Nelson Hotel. The report's recommendations are excellent- but we need to see they are implemented to benefit wild Atlantic salmon in Nova Scotia.
For more information:

ASF Seeks Removal of Dams on the Sheepscot in Maine
ASF's Andrew Goode, plus representatives of local conservation groups made presentations to town governments to consider options for dam removal to assist salmon restoration on this river in Maine.

Atlantic Salmon Trust Warns that Scottish Wild Salmon in Trouble        
In its annual review of the salmon in Scotland, England and Wales, the organization warned that numbers were continuing to decline. Read more:

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